Welcome Guests
Bible Study Resources
At the 69th St. Church of Christ Church, we believe that everyone has a unique purpose and opportunity in knowledge of the truth. We offer access to classes and resources to help you discover and take steps towards fulfilling your knowledge of God’s will.
Experience Nationwide Community Gospel Call
We believe that life is better when we do it together. That’s why we invite you to hear & learn from our nationwide community, a series of speakers from across the nation. Join nightly on conference numbers (857) 216-6700 access code 328497. Speakers announced weekly.
Grow in Faith Young People's Zoom Bible Study!
We believe that spiritual growth is a lifelong journey. We offer classes, resources, and opportunities for our younger generation to grow in the nurture and admiration of the Lord. Join Tim Burroughs as he directs the minds of young people in a Zoom class on Tuesday night at 6:00pm: Meeting ID 5235912717 access code 2020.
Serve Others by Knowing God’s Word. Know Your Bible KXXT Radio 1010 AM
We believe that serving others is an important part of living out our faith. We offer a variety of service opportunities both locally and globally, where you can become educated about the Bible. Tune in with Host David J. Lewis every Monday at 5:00pm: (605) 313-4162 code 650363
Experience Worship in Study in our Wednesday Night Zoom Class
We believe that worship in study is a powerful way to connect with God and experience His presence. We study with an open bible teaching that allows everyone to speak from an assigned text. Join us on Zoom at Meeting ID 86409933479 access code 109657, starting at 7:00pm every Wednesday night. Current study topic: “Seek, Pray, Wait, Worship!”
Connect with Us!
We would love to hear from you and help you get connected with members of the church. Contact us at (619) 264-1454 church building, or Minister Donald Warner at (619) 307-0225, also Associate Ministers David Washington at (619) 733-6361 or Eldie Harris at (619) 630-6346.